You wake up, it’s 3:17 am, your head’s on your pillow and there’s a weapon pressed to your cheek. Your wife next to you starts screaming. What do you do? Get your next move wrong and watch your family get terrorized, beaten or worse.

You need to sit and watch this presentation and turn away off any distractions and take notes.

The following information could literally mean the difference between life and death.

I’m going to expose the dangerous lie most self-defense teachers preach that…

Could cost you the life of someone you love

If you watch this short presentation to the end, and do what I say, you will, (like thousands of other enthusiastically satisfied Americans) be able to defend against any attacker, or even multiple armed attackers from any angle, at any time, and never fear getting attacked again.

Even though it may sound impossible now, you will be able to humiliate even trained fighters, and take down violent mobs with your bare hands. It will be like you have an "Impenetrable Force Field" protecting you and your family all the time

Even if you thought that you are too old, too slow, too short, out of shape

..if you haven't done a sit-up since high school, and don't have time for martial arts lessons - you need to read this letter to the end, because I will show you simple way that allows even a 72 year old with arthritis to throw around a younger, stronger, faster attacker like a wet rag! no physical strength or martial arts experience are needed.

In fact, if you have studied martial arts before, you actually may be in the most dangerous position of all because of lies you have been fed by your "teachers".

I'm Frank Bell, and I'm a 44 year old systems analyst turned elite martial arts trainer from Duluth, Michigan, but you probably haven't heard of me because

I work behind the the bodyguards that protect world famous celebrities …and high profile public figures.

The people who need not only to protect themselves and their clients, but to do it so fast and so effectively, that the public and paparazzi never even notice that something violent has just happened.

I’m going to reveal to you exactly how to do this in just a minute…but before i do, i hope you won’t mind if i tell you why I care so deeply about helping you protect yourself and your family.

It was December 23rd, just 2 days until Christmas. My wife and I had our tree lit up with presents underneath for our 2 beautiful girls. Turns out that may have been what attracted the two men into our home that wanted more than just gifts.

I woke up feeling a pressure on my cheek – cold metal. I opened my eyes and looked into the eyes of my attacker. I then looked over at my wife as the second weapon whipped her awake. She cried out while I just lay there, all my years of martial arts training locked behind an iron door...

somehow...they found a loophole in our security system

… (and, as it turns out, most home security systems are easily by-passable…and with the internet, thieves are getting to learn about them more and more).

I was forced to sit up and watch as my wife was tied up, weapon whipped again because she was sobbing uncontrollably, and the only thing that was on our minds was our two daughters, Jessica and Angela. The other man brought them into our room, hand tied behind their backs.

The man commanded me to tell them where everything I had of value was, or they will beat my family to a pulp. I co-operated of course, and I was lucky enough to break free from my constraints, grab their weapon and chase them out off the apartment, but even still…

Their weapon whipped me a few times also, and even more painful was that I had to watch my family suffer, and witness the…

confidence of my family members got destroyed

Leah and the kids couldn't release the trauma of that event, and after three years of therapy with the best psychiatrists, our kids still couldn't sleep at night.

So, even though we created our life together there, we had to move to a new house in a new part of town because the horror of that night, never left that home. That helped (a little), but of course it caused all sorts of other problems, as running from your problems always will, and it didn't solve the root issue that my family (and I!) still felt

The Police took 35 minutes to arrive that night...

...and when they got there, they acted like it was the 20th crime of the night. Maybe it was, but this was my family, not a number on a sheet! They were nice enough, but it really seemed like they couldn't care much less that we'd been traumatized.

Their only attempt to make us feel better was saying that this kind of thing happens all the time, the people would probably not be caught, and that we should file insurance claims, forget about it and move on. As if it's just "business as usual". I felt humiliated and castrated.

The security company was no better. They claimed their system is "not perfect" and they can't guarantee protection "because every installation is unique". That may be true, but it did little to soothe my frustration and outrage...

Of course, my 9mm was out of reach in my bed stand. All that time I thought I was better off for having a good gun, but it turns out, it only gave me a false sense of security.

I couldn't believe I froze up ... What's really ridiculous is that I've been trained in 13 martial arts since I was only 4 years old, so I, of all people should have been able to do something, but I couldn't - I didn't know what to do in this exact situation, even though I practiced many similar situations. This was also a false sense of security.

In retrospect, I realized that mostly, I was mad at myself... for putting false hope in all those things that turned out to be useless in the "real world" and I was mad for failing my family. I became depressed for putting my family in a position where they had to go through something like this...for putting them in a position where they had to panic and suffer for years, jumping at creaks in the night.

I was the father. I was supposed to protect them. I felt like I had committed a crime against my family...

And I swore right then and there that I would never let myself or my family suffer something like this ever again.

This decision led me to a realization… in my work, I realize a company’s system and find the small percentage of things that really matter. Only a few things are responsible for most of the results. so I asked – could the same thing be true of self-defense? are there only a few things that are responsible for determining the results of a violent situation too?

This question together with the image of my daughter’s terrified face in my mind…drove me to look deeper into the topic…

I spent three years putting over 1.800 moves, methods and strategies

under a microscope, and I discovered there are really only three strategies that work to win and dominate a violent situation on the street (or God forbid, in your home!)

The problem is that…

Choosing the right response in a situation you’ve never trained for is almost impossible

…when if you’ve trained 300 possible and complicated responses. It’s as difficult as if you are trying to find one specific page in a 300 page book and you only have a few seconds.

The truth is, every course out there right now is an information overload package. There are few very effective moves in each martial arts system, but the rest is just flourishes, unnecessary variations and all that just slows you down…and will cost you your limbs and possibly even lives when you only have a few seconds to react!

In fact, unless you’ve spent tens of thousands of hours studying and practicing (we’re talking several hours per day – which no one I know has time for).Themore moves you know, the slower you react in a crisis situation…

people trained for martial arts are never taught only the most effective moves…they are mudded down with flourishes…which are useless in “crunch time”.

The only things that work are simple movements…

Moves so simple, they’re reflexes – they happen without thinking.

all you really need is just a handful of easy-to-learn and super-effective movements that become your default reactions, and are in tune with your naturally instinctive reactions whether you’re loaded with adrenaline or sleepy and surprised. so I was thinking…

why not have a condensed system – a practical “real-life” version…

When a weapon is in your face and You have 0,3 seconds to react,

…or when someone is kicking down your door…shatters your bedroom window…or ambushes your family while you’re outside (especially in a city crisis scenario)… you don’t need to know how to do 4 versions of a roundhouse kick, especially when doing any of them will probably get you killed.

the fundamental principles and natural movements that the greatest combat systems in the world are based from,

can be learned in an hour.

I also found that everybody (no matter what their size, strength or skill level) has the exact same vulnerable spots on their bodies.

not just the pressure points you’ve heard of, (and some of these pressure points are…again…completely impractical for self-defense on the streets) – but some of these vulnerable shots allow you to dominate any opponent, instantly...and …since most people don’t know where those spots are, and how fragile they are, they are almost never defended against…plus, they are easy to reach.

the only reason you can see fights on the street taking more than a few seconds, honestly, is because people learn their fighting style from tv and movies, or well meaning, but quite honestly, misinformed and incompetent teachers…so…

Everyone learns tactics that ensure a long, painful fight, and not the moves to end a fight in seconds.

The reality is not at all like in the movies where you have to punch a guy in the face 5 minutes, and he’s still standing. That’s just ridiculous when you know the truth.

See, learning self-defense is actually a built-in survival mechanism.

Defending ourselves well is one of the keys that made us the dominant species on the planet…if we weren’t able to defend ourselves against attackers in a split second, we simply wouldn’t have survived as long as we did. When you look at how the human brain works, you will discover that…

In a weird way, you already know how to defend yourself.

You already know intuitively where some of the most sensitive spots are. Granted, there are many more that we will show you (that 98% of fighters don't know even think of defending), but just about everybody on earth is pretty much the same structurally, so the knowledge is embedded deep in your mind and nervous system.

If you know how to attack those vulnerable spots quickly, without taking the time to think about which one of a thousand moves work in this situation…you can win any fight against anyone….in 2 seconds or less! Once you land you first blow, the fight is pretty much over. Even if you’re jumped in the dark at close range, by multiple bigger, faster, meaner attackers.

After realizing all these insights, I’ve decided to take the top 1% of the most effective moves from every modern and ancient martial art, and by refining them over and over…

I’ve developed a system that almost magically turns anyone…even if they are overweight, or have zero martial arts experience…into a skilled fighter who can easily crush a trained martial artist in a street fight.

I was originally…

hesitant to release such dangerous knowledge to the public,

but the image of my crying daughter convinced me that it was my life's mission to teach this. Working with a team of top international bodyguards, martial artists and kinesiologists - experts in how the human body moves (and breaks!)...

we tested the early version of the system with 124 students and 38 of them felt so confident in their fighting abilities after finishing this short training, they volunteered to test their skills against hardened, professional fighters in a "no holds barred" mixed martial arts contest...

...and while they couldn't use over half of the methods I teach because they are too brutal for this "sport" if you can call it that... 34 of them won (and some in record time too) and the other 4 were a draw - and not one of them was hurt. News of the system's success spread like wildfire...everyone was talking about how...

my students manage to humiliate even trained professional fighters.

My phone started ringing off the hook like crazy...people were really interested in learning my system.

Bodyguards of celebrities also started to contact me and said this is exactly what they needed to protect their high profile clients, because what they needed was a way to subdue an attacker so fast, that even the cameramen following their high-profile clients wouldn't have time to notice.

Even though most of my time now is spent training bodyguards...deep down in my heart I know that I should be teaching every American family about this.

Every dad, mother and child should know about effective self-defense...

So that what happened to my family won’t happen to another good family again. But the problem is…I didn’t have time to hold workshops, because my private clients took up most of my working day.

That’s when I realized that the only way for me to spread this information is to replicate myself and put the entire system on a DVD package…so that you get the same life-saving knowledge that bodyguards pay me $500/hour for.

That’s how the “Family self-defense system” was born.

“I wish I had received this information 5 years ago. I was attacked on the street while travelling in London, just because I was wearing a nice watch and had a drink in the wrong place. Just learning 1/10th of what is in these videos would have saved me a ton of physical and mental pain. These videos are so comprehensive, they cover every possible situation – threatened with a weapon, when you’re laying down, how to move around an attacker quickly, and yet it’s all so simple! Thank you for laying it down into simple steps that even a small child can learn!”

“I’m in my 60’s and I never looked into self-defense stuff, because I never thought it would work for me, and to make matters worse, I’m really bad with computers, but I thought, what the heck, if this program does what it says, it would be worth giving it a shot, and when I decided to get in, I had no idea how my life is about to change.”

Flat out, here’s my promise to you:

If you can log into a website and press play, you can learn the honest truth about self-defense. You will learn how to defend your family in less than 2 hours…even beat down trained martial artists, armed criminals and even violent mobs.

Here’s what you will discover when you enroll in the family self-defense system:

• Why you should almost never use your fist in a real fight (even trained martials artists make this mistake…punching the wrong way will result in serious injury to your hands and wrists…that is 100% avoidable!) there is an even better way that is far more devastating…quicker…and has practically no risk of hurting yourself at all!

• The lazy man’s training method that I developed that allows you to master devastating moves even while you are just watching tv!

• Vision field expansion – a covert way of expanding your senses so that you can see everything happening around you…this is vital if you are fighting with groups of people. Some people claim that is it similar to having eyes in the back of your head!

• How to use the secret of the human body’s natural “Fulcrams” to bring anyone to their knees…the devastating secrets of joint manipulation that allows even a 72-year-old with arthritis and a weak grip to break arms…with a tiny “torque” of his wrist!

• What never to do when a weapon is pointed at you (most people don’t realize that it is different when a weapon is pointed at you from a distance compared to when a weapon is pressed directly into you)…and how to neutralize the enemy in both situations using a simple “2 second” move…even if you are lying on your bed and totally defenseless.

• How to quickly take out violent mobs by using a few simple moves – this is one of the most common moves used by the bodyguards I train…because they often deal with crowds that can, and often do go wildly out of control.

• The 1 thing to do when you are tied up - you’ll be able to free yourself without the enemy knowing about it.

• A full detailed explanation on where the vulnerable spots on the body are – and how to use a ridiculously simple one-finger take down that will bring any opponent, of any size or weight…to his knees!

• Plus: your single best move in any fight – if you have never learnt anything else from me…doing this will ensure you’ll survive almost any fight you’ll get into…even with trained fighters.

And a lot more…including information so sensitive i don’t dare to list them here. bottom line is, when you go through this program, and listen to what it says…

You’ll be able to defend against any attacker, or even multiple armed attackers…

From any angle…even if you were sleeping on your bed, using nothing else except you hands and legs. You’ll be able to feel confident and in control all the time, and never fear getting attacked again.

It will really be bad luck for them…as the unsuspecting criminal or group of thugs mistake you for just another easy target.

When the confidence in the robber’s eyes turns to shock and then into fear…his mind goes blank…and pain envelopes him…his entire body collapses after getting hit lightly in one of his “vulnerable spots”…his arm holding the weapon gets twisted away from him and bent to an unnatural angle…

Imagine how your family feels safe and protected…

…as your kid stares up to you with admiration of a strong, protective parental figure. you’ll be totally immune to the mobs, the criminals roaming the streets…because they will be falling like a deck of cards when you when you know the secrets to destroying a human body with just a few hits.

Just go through this DVD and do what I say and you’ll feel all your insecurity just melting away. No more sleepless nights, no more worrying about the gangs and criminals roaming on the streets.

In fact, here’s what i want you to do – just go through the first 10 minutes of the DVD…absorb it and take the time to understand what it says and when you’re done, try the technique taught in the first 10 minutes on anyone (do it gently of course) – and see how effective these techniques really are.

You’ll first be in shock…and then traumatized…at how vulnerable the human body is, how easily it can be destroyed…and how you can exploit this to your advantage when you are in an emergency situation and need to do desperate things to protect your family.

Let me ask you a question:

How much is it worth to you to feel like you have magical powers to guarantee the safety of your family

...when the unthinkable happens.

Think of the other stuff you spend money on in home defense - the practically useless security systems to protect your family - the hours spent at the gun range, and time and effort locking up and caring for, carrying and buying weapons.

Ask yourself would it be worth even 10 dollars a day to have this kind of security?

If a genie came out of a bottle and said it will cost you 3,650 dollars, but he'll give you total protection - is that a deal you would want to take?

The possibilities once you absorb this are endless, because there's no-one else out there who is able or willing to share this stuff with you, or could share it with you in the first place.

But please, for your sake and mine, don't even think about enrolling in this program and learning the uncensored truth about fighting unless you can cross your heart and promise me that you'll only use this information for good, not to use it for malicious purposes.

If you really thought about this and are willing to take a leap, it's time to get down to brass tacks...

I mean when you think about it, this is probably the most important thing you can do for your family...ensuring that they are safe and protected no matter what happens.

I'm charging 500 dollars an hour for private coaching, but you know what, this really isn't about money for me... don't get me wrong. I like getting paid for my work, but this is really about helping as many American families as I can, about protecting those you love from dangerous criminals.

So I hope you can hear from my voice, how passionate I am about this and how much I want this for you. so I'm NOT going to ask you to invest 500 dollars in this training, even though, I know it's worth at least that. It won't cost you 300 dollars, heck, it won't even cost you 197 dollars, even though my private clients insist it's the least I should offer this training for, because it's so valuable.

No, I decided I'm going to do something maybe a little foolish. I'm going to set the price of the family self defense system at just $67, but as long as this video is up, I'll let you have the complete program for just $37 today.

But I’m only gathering this low enrollment cost to you if you hit the “buy now” button above right now. In fact, don’t be surprised and don’t send me an angry e-mail if you leave this page and come back later to see that I’ve doubled the price.

I had to think long and hard about giving out this dangerous information – this information is so powerful, I was really hesitant to release it, but because I’m so invested in making sure your family stays protected, and because you have promised you will only use this information for good, I’m willing to let you have access to the program.

I don’t want to overstate this, but this could be your only chance to truly take control of the safety of yourself and your family.

It’s sad but I mean there’s thousands of break-ins and home invasions happening every day in America – according to the FBI, 1 home invasion happens every 3 seconds. And when things get violent, family members can get hurt badly.

In a natural disaster or crisis scenario…with violent mobs, vicious thieves and desperate drug addicts roaming the streets salvaging for food, water and pharmaceuticals…looking for families to beat up and steal their stockpiles…I can’t emphasize enough how important this training is.

Look, years from now, “knock on the wood”, if the unthinkable does happen…someone entered your premises and threatened your family with a weapon…or when America cannot repay its debts, goes bankrupt and becomes like Detroit…with violent and dangerous looters roaming the streets…

How would you feel that you could have given your family total protection, just by watching a simple video on your computer?

Right now there are other people going through this program and feel a new world of insight opening before them, finally able to protect their families no matter what life throws at them… and you got a chance to be one of them if you just click on the “Buy Now” button below.

Oh, and just to show you how serious I am about making this as easy as possible, here’s why you 100% can’t lose:

It’s no-risk, no B.S., 100% money back guarantee

Here’s how it works, and here’s all you have to do. Just say “maybe” to the family self defense system… go through the program, even if you’ve never logged into Facebook, you know everything you need to know to access the training – there’s nothing technical about it at all.

Dig through the program material, watch the videos, use the knowledge and for any reason at all, if you decide this training isn’t for you…just let me know and I’ll give you your tiny enrollment fee back. No fine print, no questions asked. Just let me or my staff know any time in the next 8 weeks and you’ll get your money back.

You’ll lose access to this program, and I’ll open a spot for another American to enroll in the training, all you have to do to get started is click the Buy Now button below

Enter your credit card information on the next page and you will have access to the training, and will be able to get started in just a few short minutes. It’s decision time.

One of the most important decisions of your life. Right now, as you’re watching this,

You’re at a crossroad. A crossroad that could change everything in your life.

When you think about it, you only have 2 options:

Option 1 - is to leave this page, close the video, get up from the computer and try to ignore everything I’ve just told you. Try to ignore the nagging feeling in the back of your mind – that crazy desire to know the truth about protecting your family, and knowing the exact thing to do in any situation.

Go back to your old life that you had and feel helpless when you’re suddenly hit with a situation that devastates your future or family forever. Trying to forget that you could have prevented it all with just a few simple clicks on this way.

Or you can go with option 2 – you can be one of the smart Americans who understand something amazing when they see it, who get to learn the secrets of real world self-defense, who feel all their anxiety fade away, who understand how to take down anybody, even a trained professional fighter with your bare hands.

To grab your spot in the family self defense system, all you have to do is click the “Buy Now” button below.

You’ll gain instant access to the astonishing training and the three bonus programs and will finally learn the truth about self-defense and protecting your family.

And you risk nothing, so click the button below now and grab this training while you can. I can’t wait to see you on the other side and start working together.


Frank Bell


I’m 65 years old/severely underweight or overweight – can I use this?

Yes, absolutely. There are techniques that require no strength or speed or even above average flexibility.

How long will this training last?

The course is completely packed with only the top of the top information – we’ve edited it to just 1 hour total in length.

Is this really risk free?

Yes, guaranteed. You will be given my personal e-mail and either myself or my staff will respond to you within 24 hours. If for any reason you aren’t 100% satisfied, every single penny will be returned to you without delay or questions.

Will my family be 100% safe after this training?

You should never depend on only one thing to defend your family, but that being said, this training will give an upper hand in common and dangerous situations.

I get very scared or nervous at the thought of a violent situation and am afraid I will freeze up!

Don’t worry. The video will teach you how to use this adrenaline dump to your advantage, and the bonus material includes mental toughness training used by the navy seals to take action no matter what.

Hold On A Second!

I cannot let you leave empty handed!

I want to know you safe so I am offering this special price TODAY ONLY!